Thursday, February 12, 2015

Wedding Feast at Cana!

It was a bit cold as we headed out to the city of Cana. It is here that Jesus performed his first miracle - changing the water into wine. It can be found in the Gospel of John 2:1-11.  Jesus and his first disciples come to the wedding feast. Then the wine ran out, the celebration seems to be coming to an abrupt end, but Mary turned to her Son to overcome any embarrassment of the groom.  The mother of Jesus said, “They have no wine.” [And] Jesus said to her, “Woman, how does your concern affect me? My hour has not yet come.” His mother said to the servers, “Do whatever he tells you”… and the headwaiter tasted the water that had become wine.” The miracle is significant for us Catholics because it demonstrates the divine intervention into our lives and the sanctity of marriage. Moreover, as Christians, Mary sets the example of surrendering to God’s will. Through the words, “Do whatever He tells you,” Mary tells us the purpose of our lives, which is to do the will of her Son in all things. She points out to us the one and only way to salvation: Jesus Christ!

The Church marking the spot of Christ's First Miracle in Cana

There at the Church at Cana, we concluded with the beautiful mass remembering our benefactors and our families. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this church is so beautiful. I am also thinking to have a church wedding and would like to have destination reception party after a couple of days at some outdoor event space San Francisco. Isn’t that a good idea?
