Sunday, February 1, 2015

Bound to the Past

Today we traveled to southern Israel to see the ruins of the ancient outpost of Arad. It lies to the west of the Dead Sea and is basically in the middle of the desert. Its significance was in its location: the village and fortifications sat along the major trade routes that wound their way through the desert. As such it could control these routes as well as offer a place of rest for the traders that passed by.

Arad is mentioned a few times in the scriptures, particularly in connection with the conquests of Joshua (Num 21:1, and Joshua 12:7-14).

The place is now in ruins with some places slightly reconstructed by archeologists. Ruins can be difficult to appreciate. After all, they are just stones. But once imagination enters into the picture, this changes. Imagination allows for the buildings that lie in ruins about my feet to spring up. I feel hemmed in by the walls, the sounds of daily life in a small village echo from the dim past, the stench of crowded village life fills my nostrils. This was a place where people were born, lived, and died. Life happened here.

The most significant moment for me came when I looked into the well. It was deep and a good 15 feet across. The depth and the mystery of this hole in the ground intrigued me. Out of these depths came the one thing needed to sustain life in the desert, a thing more precious than gold: water.

I do not know how to end this. Perhaps an exhortation: I wish you all could be with us, that we could explore this wondrous land together. Alas, we cannot. However, do not let this stop you from exploring the sights around you that bind you to the past. Whatever those may be, let yourself be pulled into history by them. Use your imagination to stretch back through time, and learn from whence you came.

Peace and Joy!

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